- Projects -
- Oil and Gas - Involved in numerous engineering and offshore construction projects (platforms, subsea structures and pipelines).
- Egmond aan Zee - Lead engineer responsible for design, offshore construction and civil maintenance (including grouted connection repair).
- London Array - Member of support structure team.
- Beaufort - Responsible for park layout and support structure design, involved in subcontract negotiations with contractors and suppliers.
- Thanet - Responsible for detailed engineering related to mitigation of the failed grouted connections.
- Dan Tysk - Supported negotiations with installation contractors.
- Ormonde - Involved in jacket design and installation.
- Westermeerwind - Lead engineer responsible for detailed design and contruction of this lake project; project manager for the shipping safety barrier.
- West of Duddon Sands - Technical advisor of installation contractor.
- Cape Wind - Independent engineer for DOE, responsible for design and installation aspects.
- Middle Baltic - Technical advisor of IEA consultancy.
- Block Island Wind Farm - Turbine Installation Manager for Deepwater Wind.
- Windpark Fryslan - Technical Manager for Ventolines, the developer of this 320 MW nearshore wind project.
- Wind Minds - Advisor for offshore wind developments in South Korea.